What Happens with your Tattoo when you Die?

What Happens with your TATTOO when you Die?

Well briefly.........You have 3 possibilities.....

-1. Your body will be burried......and your Tattoos will be lost for ever.......

(drawing by Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)  

-2. Your body will be cremated......and your Tattoos will be lost for ever.

(Photo: free picture Pixabay)

-3.   You donate your Tattoos to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation and your Tattoos will live for eternity .......like this one.....

(Photo: free download lookandlearn. com)
By the way.....this Tattoos dates from 2 centuries ago....between 1860-1900.

If you´re interested in my Tattoo project.....please read .....the article

"Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"

In the Blogger   tattoodonor.com

(before First Tattoo Donations)

Have a nice day....Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor)

Published 23-7-2023


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