______Conor McGregor______
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
Conor McGregor is een Ierse MMA -vechter die wereldkampioen geweest is in verschillende gewichtsklassen.
First time published 5-2-2023
Conor Mcgregor has a lot of tattoos....So I'm going to ask him if he is interested to donate one of his famous tattoos to Chartity....or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.....
An open letter to Conor Mcgregor:....
"Hello Conor Mcgregor....on your chest is an enourmous tattoo that could be perfect when you consider to pledge it to Charity...or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
Now you´ll probably think." How the f*ck is it possible to donate a tattoo to charity....!"
Well...please read my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"
(Before First Tattoo Donations)
And Conor.....I have another question. Do you sometimes philosophize what happens with your tattoos when you pass away...? (I hope that you live to 100 years.!)
But up to now normally when someone has passed away his Tattoos are lost forever.
You have 3 possibilities:
1. with a funeral: the tattoos are lost for ever......
2. with a cremation the tattoos are lost for ever.....
3. when you donate your tattoos to the future Tattoo Donation your tattoos will live FOR ETERNITY
Maybe you'll think: "How is it possible that your Tattoos can be preserved for future generations...?"
Well...please...read my article "Future Way to Commemorate"
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation Museum you'll be launched in modern times.
I think that you and your partner Dee Devlin (and later your children when they grow up) will like that your famous tattoos will stay in the family....
My Tattoo project is so unique that it will bring for sure a lot of questions and doubts....but don't worry Conor....I'm happily willing to explain extensively how the project works.
I wish you and your family a pleasant stay in Marbella / Puerto Banus....and hope to speak you soon...Tattoo Donor (Martin Cuijpers)
In July 2024 was in the news that ConorMcgregor wants to bring bare-hand-knuckle boxing to Marbella....That´s good news because now I´m able to make some photo´s of myself.
On 22 July in the harbour of Puerto Banus / Marbella......

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
A not so clear photo of Conor:.......

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
A very clear selfie with the man of security...who was by the way very, very friendly......

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
On July 22nd late in the evening I was so lucky to get a selfie with the notorius fighter Conor Mcgregor himself....

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
And the video:....
Ongeveer een maand geleden (november 2024)
heeft de reputatie van Conor Mcgregor een behoorlijke deuk opgelopen.
Als ik (Tattoo Donor) rekening moet houden met negatieve publiciteit over de celebrities waarover ik artikelen schrijf...ja....dan kan ik net zo goed op het dak gaan zitten.
Maar het punt is dat als Conor zijn populariteit een beetje wil restaureren dan heb ik wel een goede tip voor hem....
Een heel goede tip....
Heel de wereld zou hem ineens als een ander persoon gaan beschouwen als hij besluit om zijn beroemde borst-tattoo te doneren aan het goede doel.....of aan de toekomstige Tattoo Donor Foundation.
Zie hiervoor mijn artikel
"Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"
In deze blogger tattoodonor.com
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